
Synthesize - to combine two or more entities to form something new.

This blog is part of my ongoing effort to get smarter. If you think that sounds too vain then think of it this way: This blog is part of my ongoing effort to stave off dementia. You see, I’m no spring chicken and I think I'm at a turning point in life. If I don’t form my thoughts into coherent sentences, paragraphs, and (I’ve always hated this word) essays I’m afraid that my brain will no longer serve me loyally. The poor thing is tired of sitting listlessly next to the couch ingesting all the scraps and morsels of information I am constantly tossing it and is imploring me to take it for a run once or twice a week. Instead of just thoughtlessly gulping down disconnected bits of information like so many Cheetos, my plan is to regularly synthesize them into something with coherent structure and substance that might be fun to read or talk about, you know, like a Cheeto sculpture! Also, I hope it will make life more pleasant for people stuck in conversation with me.

"To write is to think, and to write well is to think well" - David McCullough